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An Accessible And Equitable Europe

SPD Program for the 2024 European Elections

An Accessible and Equitable Europe

Sign Language Program for Accessibility

The SPD program recognizes the importance of accessibility for all Europeans, including those with disabilities. To ensure that the European elections are accessible to everybody, the party is committed to providing a sign language program for the campaign and election materials.

Strengthening Europe's Industry and Economy

The SPD believes in a strong and prosperous European economy that benefits all citizens. The party's program includes measures to:

  • Support small and medium-sized businesses
  • Invest in research and development
  • Promote innovation and entrepreneurship

Commitment to Green Policies

The SPD is committed to protecting the environment and promoting sustainable policies. The party's program includes measures to:

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Promote renewable energy sources
  • Invest in energy efficiency
